Saturday, January 14, 2006

Institute of Chemistry: Palma Hall Pavilion 1 & 2 a.k.a. Chem Pavs

Palma Hall is often referred to as "AS" albeit appearing "PH" on registration forms. "AS" is of course an abbreviation for "Arts and Science." So we now venture into the Science parts, the extension of the celebrated AS building, a.k.a. the Pavilions.

The Chemistry Pavilions take two parts. Pav 1 & 2. Pav 2 is the only Pavilion (out of four) that can be accessed via the AS Walk. Its highest floor is the second floor. And the confusing part is, the classrooms have four digits to it. The first digit indicates the pavilion number followed by the floor number and then the last two digits indicate the room number.

Chem Students enjoying lectureSo the upmost floor of Pav 2 is the second floor. The rooms range from 2200 - 2222, odd-numbered rooms across the even-numbered ones. Most of these rooms are lecture/lab rooms. Special mention goes to the following labelled rooms: the Class '54 Lecture Hall (Rm 2205), the General Chemistry Laboratory (Rm 2206-2210), Organic Chemistry Laboratory (Rm 2209), BioChemistry Laboratory (Rm 2215-2217). Rm 2216 appears to be a Lab Instructor's Lair, there's a Ladies' Room and the window next to it warns us na Bawal Manigarilyo. If it weren't for the pro-choice stance most people take, I was secretly hoping they'd post it everywhere in the nicotine-infested wasteland of my outside world. The Bawal Manigarilyow window was facing the backstreet, while the other window faced the AS Walk.

The thing with this floor was it was one of those fake-upperfloors. The floor has a connector to Pav 1, which leads to another staircase, with a third floor. But! That's not the "real" top floor. There was a relatively skinnier staircase connected to the main one that lead to a janitor's attict, a.k.a. favourite hang-out spot of dilapidated school furniture.

Well, the attict was really messy that I couldn't even prop the door open. So that shot there^was really, chamba because I was holding out my camera from the 3/4 closed door. I decided to go to the "common top floor" after realising how relatively, my room is so "clean".

The entire floor was also for lecture/lab rooms. From room 1305 - 1326 were the "active" rooms, and once again, the even and odd rooms across each other. The end of this hall has a window that overlooks the AS-FC eskinita.

Before I left the building, I used the Ladies' Loo on that floor. I know I didn't make a mistake because well, there's the proof on the link. Not only did they have the smallest mirror in a Ladies' Room, but the most interesting feature was definitely this:

Only in da Kem Pav - hehe... Pav 4 kasi yung Bio Pav, at kahit yung Biochemistry Lab, nasa Pav 2.


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